DAB integration?

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: DAB integration?

Postby Dohmar » 15 Apr 2016, 08:24

Here it is, cut and pasted from his email - (his name is Jan Van Katwijk and hes very helpful)
In order to be able to compile you would need
Qt (either Qt4 or 5)
All libraries are available under Arch.
Qt is essential, it shows a.o. the name of the ensemble and the stations within an ensemble,
so you will have some form of GUI. Selection of programs is also on the GUI.

Once the "environment" is complete, it is time to look at the file "dab-rpi.pro", the configuration file
for use with the qt make facility
indicates that you do not have SSE instructions as on the PC. You best comment the two lines
as here
The main choices are to be made in the section labeled "unix"
unix {
#CONFIG += dabstick_osmo
CONFIG += dabstick_new
CONFIG += sdrplay
CONFIG += rtl_tcp
CONFIG += airspy
#CONFIG += airspy-exp
#CONFIG += tcp-streamer # use for remote listening
#CONFIG += rtp-streamer # remote using rtp (very immature)
CONFIG += gui_1
DEFINES += MOT_BASICS__ # use at your own risk
DEFINES += MSC_DATA__ # use at your own risk
DESTDIR = ./linux-bin
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include
LIBS += -lfftw3f -lusb-1.0 -ldl #
LIBS += -lportaudio
LIBS += -lsndfile
LIBS += -lfaad

If you have a dabstick with the regular arch packes loaded, uncomment
CONFIG += dabstick_osmo
#CONFIG += dabstick_new
#CONFIG += sdrplay
#CONFIG += rtl_tcp
#CONFIG += airspy
#CONFIG += airspy-exp
the line for dabstick_osmo and comment out all the other lines for devices
If you want to use the RPI as audio device, comment out the line
#CONFIG += tcp-streamer # use for remote listening
If this line is uncommented, the output will be sent to port 20040, a simple "listener" program
that you can then use on a WiFi network is part of the sources (sound-client).

The latest version of the software has a line
#CONFIG += rtp-streamer # remote using rtp (very immature)
which can be commented out, since it is merely experimental and not complete
(and there is no how-to for it)

DEFINES += MOT_BASICS__ # use at your own risk
DEFINES += MSC_DATA__ # use at your own risk
These two lines can be commented out. If uncommented you might see some data appearing on the GUI,
depending on the station selected.

If that is all done, you can check whether the include file(s) for the dabstick are in /usr/local/include or something like that.
Then all is about ready to go:
For qt4 (which I have on my RPI)
does the trick
With some systems qmake is just called qmake, sometimes qmake-qt4 and for qt5 it might be named qt5
I know of some other people that are running jessie on the RPI3 that everything works smoothly, on my Arch
RPI it compiles and runs without problems, so there is hope.

He also said ;
"I am running my RPI headless - it is on a different floor than where I normally am, I am using a SSH connection for the control, and I am using its "server" function to listen". So perhaps we don't need to reinvent the wheel, only modify it somewhat...

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Re: DAB integration?

Postby hondagx35 » 15 Apr 2016, 12:47

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Re: DAB integration?

Postby daviestar » 15 Apr 2016, 12:53

Hi Frank,

Question blast:

Did you manage to get a working version of DAB-RPI?

Did you use the TCP_STREAMER it comes with?

What was the bitrate of the stations you tried?

Do you think the sound quality is bad because of the bitrate, or the software decoding?

Any pointers would be great :)

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Re: DAB integration?

Postby Dohmar » 15 Apr 2016, 12:57

Hi Frank,
Are we talking DAB or DAB+, given they're separate formats?
DAB/DAB+ has very limited range, it tends to fall off very quickly at the outer extremities of the range.
FM will doubtless sound poor for the most part, but DAB should be able to get decent bitrates. Though that is very much dependant on your station
Ie in Aus, the one DAB+ station I really want is Double J, according to this wikipedia article, they transmit at 80kbps, which isnt bad
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_r ... _Australia

Way better than FM, WAY WAY better than AM but there is always a tradeoff for radiowaves, the higher the frequency, the more bandwidth you have but the more the radiowave is affected by hills and RF and all that stuff. AM radio sounds like crap but you can tune in to it wherever you are, same with global shortwave (which incidentally, if we can get this tuner and interface thing worked out, we could pick up Shortwave, AM, FM, UHF (CB), VHF (Marine), DAB, DAB+, transponders from aircraft, communications from the international space station etc. SDR is incredibly powerful, if only we could harness that versatility... (heaps of effort though)...

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Re: DAB integration?

Postby daviestar » 15 Apr 2016, 13:15

BBC here in the UK is slightly better, but have to say I'm still surprised by the low quality:

They provide .m3u8 streams for these same broadcasts over the internet at 320kbps:

I'm beginning to realise why there is so little interest in DAB+ :)

Unfortunately my favourite station, and more importantly my partners favourite station, is BBC 6music - only available as DAB+.
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Re: DAB integration?

Postby Dohmar » 15 Apr 2016, 13:23

I suppose we should maybe categorize hifi and lofi separately.

LOFI - SW/AM/FM/DAB/DAB+/UHF/VHF/ISS/custom? (because naturally, radio waves are limited by bandwidth and historically tuners haven't had the bandwidth to represent a radio stream accurately)

HIFI - SACD, FLAC, 24 bit RAW pipe, 32 bit analogue unbalanced RCA in, etc

Add yours...?

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Re: DAB integration?

Postby daviestar » 15 Apr 2016, 13:54

My music library is all FLAC and AAC from Mac Mini to Arcam irDAC via USB at 192kHz, to AVI Integrated amp to, ATC SCM11's :)

Trying to recreate at least some of that quality in-car (including DAB) is proving near-impossible. Was thinking about saving for one of these and taking it apart (which might be a crime!) to integrate with the car and RPI3:

Now thinking I might be better with a conventional, decent head unit () with a plug in DAB (). It provides it's own cheap DAC but who cares when the quality is so low the begin with?

It's a shame, as Rune presents a fantastic solution for in-car - you get to control it with your phone, which for me is usually mounted on the dash anyway for Maps. Running in PHP and JS, for me is huge as that's what I get paid to do all day :) It adds a twist to the current trend in car audio of iPads playing tunes wirelessly to an Airport with Optical out, and instead you control it wirelessly, but have total control over how the sound it output, wired, to your DAC/DSP/amplifiers.

If you guys are still hoping for FM/AM compatibility with Rune and RTL2832U + R820T2, I'm happy to help and am confident I can make a sweet UI for it, but I'd need more backend assistance, as it's not something I'd personally use. Compiling code is not something I know anything about, and documentation for these packages is scarce at best.
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Re: DAB integration?

Postby Dohmar » 15 Apr 2016, 14:00

I really want to see this happen, a good RTL-SDR platform is yet to be made, at least in terms that a normal consumer can take advantage of.

My music library is all flac, and a good portion of that is 24 bit vinyl rips, but that said, radio is a vital part of a hi fi, a radio is a communications device and not just a music player, and we should (if we;re gonna attempt it) do it right so that i might be able to build my little pi-fi and take it out into the country with a big antenna and a solar panel and be able to keep informed (extreme scenario, but i AM making my pi fi based around a 12v in for a reason...)


Edit - Also will add, that as an audiophile that spent a lot of money on car audio - just dont. The road noise, ambient traffic and engine noise will cancel out any harmonics you might be able to appreciate. get a simple pioneer or clarion or sony with a good signal to noise ratio and accept that a car is not a good platform for audiophiles.
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Re: DAB integration?

Postby Dohmar » 15 Apr 2016, 14:08

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Re: DAB integration?

Postby daviestar » 15 Apr 2016, 14:29

You based somewhere remote in Australia? I spent 8 months in Melbourne a couple years ago on a round-the-world trip and had a great time :) Spent 6 months in the outback too when I was a teenager!

If you're looking to tinker with this till it works, here are some pointers:

SSH into the RPI3 and cd /var/www to mess with PHP/JS, set app/config/config.php $devmode to true so you can edit the JS in place.

In theory, you should be able to get it basically working through Rune with Franks command in this thread.

You can run shell commands with PHP using .

I'd recommend checking out the for Javascript. This is a popular library for crunching and displaying data in pretty much any way you can think of, with you can hack to do your bidding. For example, this could form the basis for the scan you mentioned (both visually and mathematically):

You'll just need to figure out how to pump the data from the tuner into it.

PS. I agree with you to some extent about car audio :) However I have spent a lot of time sound-proofing my car, and my theory is, since I know where me and my passengers ears are going to be (roughly) it should be possible to make something very very nice :)

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