Here it is, cut and pasted from his email - (his name is Jan Van Katwijk and hes very helpful)
In order to be able to compile you would need
Qt (either Qt4 or 5)
All libraries are available under Arch.
Qt is essential, it shows a.o. the name of the ensemble and the stations within an ensemble,
so you will have some form of GUI. Selection of programs is also on the GUI.
Once the "environment" is complete, it is time to look at the file "", the configuration file
for use with the qt make facility
indicates that you do not have SSE instructions as on the PC. You best comment the two lines
as here
The main choices are to be made in the section labeled "unix"
unix {
#CONFIG += dabstick_osmo
CONFIG += dabstick_new
CONFIG += sdrplay
CONFIG += rtl_tcp
CONFIG += airspy
#CONFIG += airspy-exp
#CONFIG += tcp-streamer # use for remote listening
#CONFIG += rtp-streamer # remote using rtp (very immature)
CONFIG += gui_1
DEFINES += MOT_BASICS__ # use at your own risk
DEFINES += MSC_DATA__ # use at your own risk
DESTDIR = ./linux-bin
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include
LIBS += -lfftw3f -lusb-1.0 -ldl #
LIBS += -lportaudio
LIBS += -lsndfile
LIBS += -lfaad
If you have a dabstick with the regular arch packes loaded, uncomment
CONFIG += dabstick_osmo
#CONFIG += dabstick_new
#CONFIG += sdrplay
#CONFIG += rtl_tcp
#CONFIG += airspy
#CONFIG += airspy-exp
the line for dabstick_osmo and comment out all the other lines for devices
If you want to use the RPI as audio device, comment out the line
#CONFIG += tcp-streamer # use for remote listening
If this line is uncommented, the output will be sent to port 20040, a simple "listener" program
that you can then use on a WiFi network is part of the sources (sound-client).
The latest version of the software has a line
#CONFIG += rtp-streamer # remote using rtp (very immature)
which can be commented out, since it is merely experimental and not complete
(and there is no how-to for it)
DEFINES += MOT_BASICS__ # use at your own risk
DEFINES += MSC_DATA__ # use at your own risk
These two lines can be commented out. If uncommented you might see some data appearing on the GUI,
depending on the station selected.
If that is all done, you can check whether the include file(s) for the dabstick are in /usr/local/include or something like that.
Then all is about ready to go:
For qt4 (which I have on my RPI)
does the trick
With some systems qmake is just called qmake, sometimes qmake-qt4 and for qt5 it might be named qt5
I know of some other people that are running jessie on the RPI3 that everything works smoothly, on my Arch
RPI it compiles and runs without problems, so there is hope.
He also said ;
"I am running my RPI headless - it is on a different floor than where I normally am, I am using a SSH connection for the control, and I am using its "server" function to listen". So perhaps we don't need to reinvent the wheel, only modify it somewhat...