Hi rern
I love the mods you have made to the UI as they really suit the 5 inch display I am using.
I was looking for a way to do exactly what you have done here - Thanks for sharing!
I have a couple of questions if you have the time to answer;
For viewing clarity I must rotate my display 180 degrees. I have managed to do this with the Rune Audio section, including touchscreen so it all works perfectly. However when I open OSMC via the button, left hand corner, the display reverts back to original orientation. I have tried both methods to rotate, using SSH to alter the /boot/config.txt and using the OSMC software. Neither is satisfactory.
Additionally, when the original Noobs boots, the display is not adjusted to the screen - it is too narrow (and upside down). It is like it (Noobs?) needs its own /boot/config.txt
Do you have any suggestions as to how I can get all of the elements rotated by 180 degrees?