everything BROKEN in 0.3 after pacman -Syu

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everything BROKEN in 0.3 after pacman -Syu

Postby BROKENLINUX » 13 Jun 2015, 21:07

After pacman -Syu the system is broken - nginx shows a 404, no music playing. I start redis, php-fpm and mpd manually with systemctl start but no success. I update /srv/http with git pull, but no success.

I am sure I am not the only one, so it would be really great to have some news or announcement about the neccessary steps published here as a sticky post, on the homepage and in a news section, like we all know and love it from archlinux. Even better: please publish a script that fixes the system.

What are the neccessary steps to get rune audio working again?

Why does this happen at all? Looks like the developers have abandoned the project, because othterwise they should have noticed the breakage a long time ago? Does exist a fork of this project that is actively developed and supported?

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Re: everything BROKEN in 0.3 after pacman -Syu

Postby hondagx35 » 13 Jun 2015, 22:45

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Re: everything BROKEN in 0.3 after pacman -Syu

Postby BROKENLINUX » 14 Jun 2015, 00:10

Hi, I found something, yes, here is the link for other new users like me:


why didnẗ you just post this link if you knew about it? Bad attitude.

I do not want to search for that. I want to read this on the homepage. The system distributed here is broken after update and I feel this hurts the archlinux community a lot, because it uses the arch linux name so prominently - so at least please put the fix on the homepage or write some blog post or publish it in any other good visible place and do not let users dig deep into this forum for a solution that is needed.

I downloaded, booted up, updated because of secuity (system is connected to the internet) and then it was broken. Maybe you have another perception from your usage, but from my experience I was really shocked that some guys use arch linux - what is usually very high quality - and manage to deliver a system that breaks that badly after upgrade. Things like this happen, yes, this is ok, but the difference is to inform users about this.

The issue with the redis systemd file and how to fix it should be published right below the download instructions. Please do not destroy your product by hiding vital information that is needed for operation in some forum thread.

Otherwise this project looks really good. But please expect users to update the system!
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Re: everything BROKEN in 0.3 after pacman -Syu

Postby tux » 14 Jun 2015, 07:08

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Re: everything BROKEN in 0.3 after pacman -Syu

Postby BROKENLINUX » 14 Jun 2015, 11:55

tux: why are you writing all this stuff?

You are trying to punish me and you want to dominate and ridicule me, but you actively avoid to reference the actual content of my post. This is just sociopathic behaviour, but does not help to fix the problem, so it is worthless content. Try to produce something of real value, you will feel better then and people will start to respect you.

You can ridicule me all day long but it will not change this fact: download this 0.3 rune experiment, then upgrade and then everything implodes. But no info about how to fix it.

Yes, it is extremely stupid to distribute anything that is not able to update and I am sure that developers of rune are totally aware of that. So it is just a temporary glitch, but it exists and there should be some info about it in a very visible place, so people can easily fix it. That was all I was trying to make you understand.

I do not want to fight retards that want to dominate in internet forums. This is ridicolous neanderthaler-like anti-culture that I am not interested in. Go back to the army if you want to live that kind of life, there you can punish people and feel like a real boss.

And expect people to update things.
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Re: everything BROKEN in 0.3 after pacman -Syu

Postby mika-nl » 14 Jun 2015, 12:16

Why do you want to update ? because it is working perfect out of the box.

As explaned it is not ark linux.

and what is your security idea ? why wil you plug your RuneAudio to the internet ?
Only home network is no security risk. So no reason to update system fiiles..

grtz Mika

Edit: When i listen i am home so home network is ok.
When i am out , i see no reason to connect to rune because i can not hear my music home
Last edited by mika-nl on 14 Jun 2015, 12:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: everything BROKEN in 0.3 after pacman -Syu

Postby ACX » 14 Jun 2015, 12:18

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Re: everything BROKEN in 0.3 after pacman -Syu

Postby Tinitus » 14 Jun 2015, 20:46

Hi Brokenlinux,

I thought a name like that would be a sign of a good sense of humour, alas I was wrong. After Frank had published the image for C1 it took me roughly half an hour to get going and I am a Linux noob. I guess writing in this thread and reading the replies took you nearly as long as a new install from scratch would have taken. That would have been time spent in a more productive and positive manner. If you get it running you will find out that in terms of bang for buck it is hard to beat if you don't it will be your loss.

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