Pre-requisites: Depending on your needs, you will need to get: dnsmasq and/or bridge-utils. Everything else we have already. Command for fetching: "pacman -S dnsmasq bridge-utils"
The example below only needed dnsmasq since I didnt need a Bridge.
This is the link to the script from github: recommend you read it and decide which settings you will need as I cannot go into all of them and everyone will want this setup a little differently depending on their needs.
There are 2 files you need from the above link: create_ap and create_ap.service
the create_ap file needs to be in the /usr/bin/ directory and it needs to be executable (chmod +x)
the create_ap.service file needs to be in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory and should be executable as well.
I had to select the RAW link, copy the file, and then open vi or nano, and paste it in.
From the instructions in the link decide which parameters you want for create_ap. You can test this all from the commandline, the script will run in your terminal window so you should see output, and when you connect you will see more output. When you have it working as you want, then edit the create_ap.service file to reflect the commandline parameters you want. Save the file.
To enable it, such that it starts at boot, use the command "systemctl enable create_ap"