First, Thanks for a very useful music player. It is the best i have tried yet on my Rpi. I have great experience with the diffrent kernel optimizations on my Rpi. I really love Orion (More spacious, with a lot of Room information), Orion V2 (very "Tight", a bit over damped for my room,but great in rooms with more lively acoustics), and Uggunau ( On my setup, it is a good compromise between orion and V2)
BUT i have a question.. how come it is that i Cant tell any difference between the sound signatures when im using a Rpi2? On my "normal" rpi, it is quite easy to tell the difference, but with the Rpi 2, the signatures does not make any difference at all. Am i the only one that can't get it to work properly, or can you help me get the optimizations to work on Rpi 2.
Thanks, in advance

Kind Regards,
Rune Frost, Denmark