Play-Button doesn´t start the play-function

Raspberry Pi related support

Play-Button doesn´t start the play-function

Postby Lelo » 27 Oct 2017, 12:13


I am a newbie to RuneAudio and i´m facing a basic issue:

After having installed RuneAudio successfully i can access it via my browser. I´ve added two WebRadios manually:
- Rock Radio 1 (
- Radio Schwarze Welle (
Both entries are listed in the library under "My Webradios".

Double-clicking an entry, i.e. Rock Radio 1, is followed by the message "Added to playlist - Webradio/RockRadio1.pls"
and i can see the new entry having been added to the playing-queue.
But when I click on the play-symbol on top of the page (the "right-pointing arrow") no playing starts. To state it clearly: The problem is not that I can´t hear anything, the problems is that nothing happens at all. The same happens when i select a station from "Librabry\Jamendo": It doesn´t start playing. (The same hardware worked with Volumio and DietPi&Mopidy without any problem.)

Why does the playing not start for me? I am using the standdard audio-out-port (3.5mm) on working speakers.

I would have tried to play local MP3, but after having copied two MP3-files via WinSCP to the SD-card I can´t find an option to play local files from the SD-card (so much free space left here).

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 1 Model B (512MB)
Software: RuneAudio_rpi_0.3-beta_20141029_2GB.img

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Joined: 27 Oct 2017, 11:24

Re: Play-Button doesn´t start the play-function

Postby janui » 28 Oct 2017, 12:30

Hi Lelo,

Also tried the radio-URL's which you posted, they are not valid streams for Rune. It's a real pain to find valid Radio MP3 streams these days. Previously the web-radio stations published the URL's on their web-sites, but now they seem to try to keep them secret so that you can only stream via their website plug-in (and also see the advertisements which they are pushing). I suppose it is understandable.

In order to test you setup I suggest that you look at Dirble and Jamendo in the library tab. Dirble is an open index of (mostly working) web-radio’s and Jamendo is a platform which publishes rights-free music. Just click on anything and try to play it, then you know your setup is (or not) OK. Dirble takes a little time to load, be patent it needs to load a database from the web.

Just out of interest I looked for ‘Rock Radio 1’ in Dirble and found it in: Dirble > Rock > Hard Rock… In the menu you can click on ‘Save in My Webradios’. The correct URL is:

If you want you put music on your SD-card you need to do a couple of extra things, explained here: post20735.html?hilit=music%20on%20sd%20card#p17868

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