I can confirm that it is the current version(s) of Android System Webview that is causing the crashing. (I suspect the trigger is the tablet going to sleep....but I don't want to keep it awake 24/7 and it is sitting in the lounge being shared by two other members of the family) By uninstalling the updates the RUI worked no probs for days at a time. And when it eventually crashed I checked Android System Webview and found that there must have been a minor release which then auto-updated back onto my tablet. Uninstalling it fixed the issue again.
I have now turned off 'Auto-update apps' (Google play store > settings)
This does concern me as it means that I no longer will be keeping my entire system and apps up to date. It does explicitly state that the updates have a security component. If I was using this on a phone I would be more concerned but I am still a little uneasy.
I'm hopping that eventually either the Rune team will find and fix this issue with the RUI, or that a later version of the Android System Webview will somehow play nicely with RUI again. So I will try to remember to update Android System Webview in say 3 mths time, and try again.