Hi Guys, much thanks for all your quality work and this fantastic music player.
After many hours of amateur tweaking (I am no linux geek) I managed to get my PI B+ / HiFiBerry DAC Plus + Rune Audio 0.3 beta (more or less) working.
Flashed an SD card (starting over more than once), updated with git pull (everything up to date as of today) and after many hours I got it working through wireless lan (TP link TL-WN725N v2 dongle). Did not have to be so hard, did it? Nevertheless, I am now a happy forum contributor writing while listening to Cole Porter's "Anything Goes" ...
Main issues still requiring attention:
- My wi-fi interface is still a kind of lottery, some times it picks up ok after booting, other times some tweaking is need through command line (wifi-menu command mainly) and in some cases a reboot is the only way. I have to say that I never managed to successfully configure wi-fi through rune UI alone, resorting to the practical recipe in
http://thisoldgeek.blogspot.pt/2014/04/ ... -arch.html (thanks oldgeek!).
- Volume knob in the Rune UI Playback screen is gone, but the volume buttons beneath it are still there and thankfully working.
- Managed to access the files on my Iomega NAS once but since that had several issues to remount the share after rebooting. Short of time by now, I have just put some of my favorite music files on a USB stick and started listening. I shall come back to a deeper testing of this.
I have tried both Rune audio and its twin brother that had the same Raspyfi "father". I had different problems with one and the other, but at least I could use Rune. Please don't get me wrong but I think it is a waste of efforts and resources to have two systems that are so close to one another.
Long live the Raspyfi linage!