Wow, What a morning/afternoon... A couple notes for anyone else trying this image on a Zero W.
1) the image OS is structured a bit differently than I expected on the disk and a resize from addons will not work. (actually it scrambles it) D'oh. Boot is P1 but root is p5 in an extended partition. I burned the image to a 16gb SD card, copied the P5 partition to the unformated space, deleted the extended partition and P5 in it, (now have P3 Primary partition next to it) then copied P3 again to where the extended partition was then deleted P3. This way, I have P1 (dos) and P2 (ext4) like the current, standard ArchArm setup
2) I added "ipv6.disable=1" to the cmdline (this allows AP mode to begin at startup if there is not a netctl profile set up in redis dbase - slick)
3) removed the soxr reference from redis "redis-cli hdel mpdconf soxr" (mpd.service will not start with 0.4b with this set)
4) I deleted the UI files and pulled from git Franks 0.4b RuneUI
5) installed sudo (pacman -Sy sudo) so that I can run addons
6) booted it up, expanded the partition, installed addons, installed my radios, fixed shairport-sync to be default (runeaudio.php and rune_SY_wrk edited)
Now this replaces the brain dead processor on my Sony NS400 speaker! Woo Hoo!!
If anyone wants me to tweak this image to have all these things, I can do that...