RPi 3 B+ is now out

Raspberry Pi related support

RPi 3 B+ is now out

Postby sarauc28 » 15 Mar 2018, 06:37

I see that the newly improved Pi 3 B+ is out; it was released 3.14.18. (Clever, eh? Pi Day). I figure that it'll only be a matter of time before it is available in most markets. Looks like the improvements that the team made on this go-around wallop even the fairly impressive features of the Pi 3 B. Naturally, my question is: can the current Runeaudio images work on it? Or, what kind of tweaks would one have to make in the Linux files to get it running smoothly? The reason that I ask is that I am considering adding a Runeaudio-to-table-top-radio system in my kitchen to make the dull chore of washing dishes more bearable, and I'm wondering if I should spring for the latest and greatest, or should I stick with the tried and true faithful work horses?

Here is a link to the specs page at Pi Supply: https://uk.pi-supply.com/products/raspb ... 768afa66dd

Thanks a million for any input.

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Joined: 26 Nov 2015, 11:27

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