Shuffle 100 Tracks & Other Feature Requests

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Shuffle 100 Tracks & Other Feature Requests

Postby vulpespersona » 21 Feb 2016, 00:25

Hello all, I absolutely love this software and appreciate the posts on this forum in troubleshooting setup. I finally settled on Rune after trying some other softwares for the Raspberry Pi and it loads like a dream. A lot of my friends are setting up Pi music servers and Rune comes recommended with high regards.

So, I've been using it without issue for a couple months now and thought I'd point out some minor suggestions in the hopes that possibly a future version might consider some improvements.

My apologies if some of these suggestions have been mentioned before. If so, add my vote for some of these features. In the meantime, thanks for making such a great software! Adding some of these features would all be icing on the cake:

Shuffle 100 Tracks Feature
I've got over 75,000 tracks loaded and this hasn't been an issue at all in terms of cueing tracks or albums but sometimes I like to shuffle the directory. This is do-able but does cause some slow down/lag issues in the interface when loading the playlist, skipping or adjusting volume (while still playing tracks seamlessly, nonetheless!).

Mpod solves this issue by having a feature that shuffles 50 or 100 tracks when you shake the iPhone. I love this as it doesn't get weighed down by loading all the tracks but grabs enough to listen to for a few hours..genius! iTunes should have figured this out ages ago. It would be amazing to have this feature included in the Rune interface so I didn't have to flip back and forth between Mpod and the Rune browser. A bonus would be to have this shuffle feature able to select from individual directories I have set up on the external HD so i don't have to skip through my son's Raffi from the 'Children's Music' folder, it could select and shuffle 100 tracks from the main 'Music' directory.

Scroll Bars on Playback Screen
I love the way this loads on my iPhone (the safari browser with local address bookmarked to the home screen) but sometimes I hit the wheel on the time and skip to the middle of the track on accident when scrolling down to the volume. Ideally there would be two horizontal sliders for track time and volume. It would be sweet if album art and all the playback screen fit on the iPhone screen with no need to scroll.

Larger Play Control Buttons on Playback Screen
Adding to my comments above in regards to the playback screen on an iPhone but the play and skip buttons are a tad small. It would be great if there was single screen as described above with larger buttons included.

Alphabet/Letter Scroll
I think someone else just mentioned this but the ability to quickly jump to the first letter of an artist in my directory would be great instead of manually scrolling all the way down to 'X,Y,Z', which takes 10-20 seconds.

Fix Lists to Read Single Digits Numerically
A few albums have tracks listed numerically 1, 2, 3,...but when playing through these jump after 10, 11, 12 unless they have zeros in front (01, 02, 03....10, 11). It would be great if digits 1-9 were recognized first instead of requiring me to manually add a zero in front.
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Re: Shuffle 100 Tracks & Other Feature Requests

Postby hondagx35 » 22 Feb 2016, 18:49

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Re: Shuffle 100 Tracks & Other Feature Requests

Postby ACX » 23 Feb 2016, 02:20

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Re: Shuffle 100 Tracks & Other Feature Requests

Postby vulpespersona » 29 Feb 2016, 05:15

Posts: 14
Joined: 31 Dec 2015, 00:43

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