Spotify API, Libspotify deprecated?

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Spotify API, Libspotify deprecated?

Postby irishwill2008 » 15 May 2017, 16:48

Hi all,

Was just curious.. Seeing as libspotify is deprecated this year. What will that mean exactly?

Will spotify api stop working on runeaudio? What are your plans (DEVS) on solving this? As there is no alternative library as far as i searched, what will happen to that side?

Im curious, will the api stop working or will the support just end? Using deprecated apis and code in general is risky stuff and not recommended but im just hoping the api will continue to work and not fail!

I had scary encounters here and there while using spotify, such as some features stop working in SSH (Search as one). Also other members experiencing this (Not being able to load playlists or even play music).. Is this due to the library being deprecated?

Please post opinions and answers below!

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Re: Spotify API, Libspotify deprecated?

Postby ACX » 16 May 2017, 21:56

We are still looking around for a possible solution but I haven't found any good alternative yet. The first alpha release of RuneAudio 2.0 won't include Spotify also because of this.
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Re: Spotify API, Libspotify deprecated?

Postby irishwill2008 » 17 May 2017, 10:13


Thanks for the reply!

I been searching around myself and have found nothing that could potentially be a fix but i am guessing there is nothing because of the fact that the library is still active and kinda working. Sadly, i say people will perhaps create a fix once it goes completely dead!

What a shame that all a sudden they stop the support and are shutting it down? Not sure why they would do such a thing!

Hopefully a solution comes on air soon enough before it all dies off. I started using RuneAudio for my own music but since spotify was introduced i cant get myself off that section!!

Thanks for the information!

Would love it if people can keep this post alive and post ideas, solutions (Once or if they come to surface) so we can all stick our heads together and create a fix!

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Re: Spotify API, Libspotify deprecated?

Postby Velociraptor » 04 Jun 2017, 19:45

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Re: Spotify API, Libspotify deprecated?

Postby irishwill2008 » 06 Jul 2017, 10:08

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Re: Spotify API, Libspotify deprecated?

Postby grofweg » 30 Sep 2017, 11:48


currently trying RuneAudio and like it a lot. The Ui is nice and clean, and the additional '8080' in the 0.4 beta version i very handy.

Currently I' m trying to find a way to use Librespot for Spotify, but failing with every attempt. Most implementations of Librespot are in Debian based RPi' s.
Archphile did implement Librespot in there last build. Is there any way to implement Librespot next to (or instead of) the current implementation?
Any pointers here. Thanks for the info.


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