Tutorial: Install Alsa-Equal

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Tutorial: Install Alsa-Equal

Postby The Reverend » 02 Feb 2016, 18:02

The Reverend
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Re: Tutorial: Install Alsa-Equal

Postby The Reverend » 10 Feb 2016, 22:13


some time has passed and i spend a long time listening to the odroid dac with and without equalizer. I prefer the alsa equalizer. So today i sat down, fired up baudline the FFT analyzer hooked everything up to my soundcard and took some measurements.

DISCLAIMER: These are no super accurate measurements, i used a cheap onboard chipset of my PC. But an equalization curve was applied to compensate the shortcomings in the HF and LF regions and cables were kept short.

As you can see the odroid dac is going down nearly 5db ... wtf were they thinking? The second picture shows the corrected frequency response using the caps equalizer plugin and alsaequal. All adjustments were made using white noise, frequency sweeps and FFT analysis. Minor adjustments were made later with the DAC back in the chain, since there are some more factors involved in frequency response and sound of the whole system.
Since the overall gain level was reduced a little the DAC doesnt crap out beeing fed -1dB full scale signals anymore, THD also improved by 5-6dB beeing tested with a 1khz sine wave. Further improvements could be made using the mbeq plugin which has more features and frequency bands, unfortunately i hab problems running mbeq and there was sometimes heavy audible distorsion, i will have to investigate that further.

For now i recommend every odroid user to try the equalizer.
The Reverend
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Re: Tutorial: Install Alsa-Equal

Postby hondagx35 » 10 Feb 2016, 22:33

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Re: Tutorial: Install Alsa-Equal

Postby The Reverend » 10 Feb 2016, 23:20

hmm the attached jpegs dont seem to show, lets try again

here is the uncorrected curve:

DACFresponse2.jpg (175.15 KiB) Viewed 10285 times

here after using alsaequal:

DACFresponse3.jpg (186.04 KiB) Viewed 10285 times
The Reverend
Posts: 18
Joined: 30 Jan 2016, 15:45

Re: Tutorial: Install Alsa-Equal

Postby datto » 13 Mar 2016, 19:24

Thanks for this tutorial The Reverend,

1. Can you confirm that you had to install the Caps package also ?
2. Would it be possible to share your alsaequal settings for the Odroid Hifi Shield ? (not sure if .alsaequal.bin can be copied around).

I have been contacted by Odroid for a recall of the device following your finding on the HF filter issue.

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