Contribute to RuneAudio
RuneAudio is an open source project and anyone could contribute to it.
An interesting reading for anyone who wants to contribute to the project in some way:
[14 Ways to Contribute to Open Source without Being a Programming Genius or a Rock Star]
RuneUI is the default UI of RuneAudio. Due to its nature (web interface) it is platform agnostic and responsive, and can be used from any device capable of running a modern web browser.
RuneUI is developed in PHP (backend) and HTML, CSS and Javascript (frontend).
OS Maintenance
RuneOS is a customized and optimized build of the Arch Linux distro, specifically tailored around the scope of best sound quality achievement. The system continuously needs to be updated and ported to all the certified platforms.
RuneUI will be soon translated in multiple languages. The translation work is managed via Transifex:
[RuneUI on Transifex]
You can follow the progress of the localization progress and discuss about it in the dedicated topic in the forum.
RuneAudio is brought to you for FREE as result of the hard and passionate work of the people behind it. If you find our work useful, interesting and professional and you like and enjoy it, please help us to keep putting time and quality into this project.
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