0.3-Beta RPi3 Out of the box support for Wolfson (Cirrus?)

Raspberry Pi related support

0.3-Beta RPi3 Out of the box support for Wolfson (Cirrus?)

Postby Quax » 21 May 2016, 11:59

Hello All,

As a newbie I bought a RPi3 with the suggested "Cirrus Logic Audio Card", but after hours of reading and searching the Forum I'm not able to activate the Audio Card :cry:

They write in the offical Changelog:

Out of the box support for Raspberry Pi’s most popular I²S DACs:
G2Labs BerryNOS
G2Labs BerryNOS mini
HiFiBerry DAC and HiFiBerry DAC+
HiFiBerry Digi and HiFiBerry Digi+
IQaudIO Pi-DAC and IQaudIO Pi-DAC+
RaspyPlay3 and RaspyPlay4
Wolfson Audio Card

So I learned, that the Cirrus Logic Audio Card is the successor of the Wolfson Audio Card.
I also learned that I have to uncomment the corresponding "device tree overlay" in config.txt.
But I can't find a corresponding line in config.txt and no overlay.dtb in the \overlays section.

So what do I have to do for correct activating my Cirrus Logig Audio Card?

Thanks in advance

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Re: 0.3-Beta RPi3 Out of the box support for Wolfson (Cirrus

Postby hondagx35 » 21 May 2016, 13:08

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Re: 0.3-Beta RPi3 Out of the box support for Wolfson (Cirrus

Postby Quax » 22 May 2016, 08:15

Hi Frank,

It was not a real decision by me - I just looked for a shop where I can buy a Pi3 and anything else needed.
I looked for DACs based on that suggestion:
2016-05-22 09_04_08-Turn your Raspberry Pi into a music player.jpg
2016-05-22 09_04_08-Turn your Raspberry Pi into a music player.jpg (104.74 KiB) Viewed 1683 times

so exactly that Cirrus Card I bought (you are right).

I suspected that I have to send it back and look for another card, so I'm very happy about your post.

It would be great if you could help me.


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Re: 0.3-Beta RPi3 Out of the box support for Wolfson (Cirrus

Postby Quax » 05 Jul 2016, 13:25

After many weeks of waiting, messaging with hondagx35 and not getting the promised help :-(
I ordered a HifiBerry DAC+ and it took only some minutes making it work - and the sound is great.

After that long time unfortunately it's not possible to give the Cirrus Logic Card back to the dealer :-(

So I have a Cirrus Logic Card left over, hoping it will be really implemented in runeaudio some day.

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0.3-Beta RPi3 Out of the box support for Wolfson (Cirrus?)

Postby gvasco » 05 Jul 2016, 18:20

If you have another RPi X B+ then give a try to LibreELEC! One of the users realeased an update that's easily installed and gives hassle free compatibility with the Cirrus Audio DAC.

I also had been strugglling to make it work with an original B+ and as soon as I saw that release I tried it and I've been blown away.

LibreELEC is a bit bigger as it's made to be an overall media player, but can be easily used as a headless audio player controlled via browser, mobile apps and whatnot as it uses Kodi.



Edit: added links
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