by KHatfull » 24 Sep 2015, 22:50
I use RA 0.3/dev updates daily. Nary an issue. It does what I need it to perfectly, serve files from my NAS and through the IQAudio DAC attached to it without problems or error. I think I've had to reboot it twice unplanned since I built the Pi in early November last year.
If you asked me what *I'd* want to see: less functionality. My preference would be to see development time and effort spent in creating the best world class music player. For me, you can dump the Spotify and likely even web radio stuff. I know I'm in the minority but I think at its core RA shoud be the best music player playing files from local and network sources.
I tried Volumio and ended up here pretty fast. A few of the others were just too horrible from a UI standpoint to warrant consideration. I continue to believe that whatever the next version of RA is it will be the best. I believe in it to the point that I setup a recurring monthly donation to the team to help out. I don't code so that's the best I can do.
Patience is truly a virtue. IMO RA is still the best MUSIC player for the RPi hands down and I think those of us who continue to use it will be rewarded in the next version.
Keith, the other.
Synology DS214+ -> RP3 -> Hifiberry Digi+ -> Audio-Gd NOS1704 (coax) -> Audio-GD C-2 preamp/headphone amp ->
1) Yamaha M-4 Power Amp -> Energy Pro 22 Speakers OR 2) HiFiMan HE-400i
Audio Nirvana!!!