by Velociraptor » 26 Aug 2016, 11:57
hello fellows runeaudio users I wanted to know if there is some progress since I cant find any evidence of that I thought maybe I am looking at the wrong place
Is there gonna be a 0.4 for my rpi1 ?
Whats the reason for such a closed source, when you actually are open source? Dont be affraid of volumio.
Why are you not using gitlab or githab so you can use the ContinousIntegration and CDelivery which they are building for so many platforms this would benefit your speed in development.
I find it sad that there seems no plan or milestone or anything so users could possible imagine that there is progress .... yes you always say there is. Last news post is from May. Last Announcement from Dec '15.
Maybe I would even help if I could but when as a user I cant see any goal than I am not gonna be helping to build this.
And it feels strange that the thread with the Donations gets the most love. Of course you are greatfull for the donations but does one need to write this by hand? Maybe an automated Page would be good enough?
I really would like to stress that this community is great and I love the project it gives my rpi a new purpose. And I also think that development would go a lot quicker with them.
But man am I disappointed with the communication.
Maybe you could fix this by telling me if there is some central dev info and that I dont need to roam all threads to see actual boundary pushing.
A slightly sad Dinosaur ^^