0.4 version - my wifi card don't connect

Raspberry Pi related support

0.4 version - my wifi card don't connect

Postby flega » 26 Mar 2016, 16:35

Hi to all,
somehow 0.3 stops working and won't boot. I have upload new 0.4 image and boot it up. Connect Raspi 2 to wired network and all works ok. Then I tried to connect to my wifi network like I was connected yesterday. Same procedure, MENU -> NETWORK ->WLAN0->click on my network SSID (I have them two), choose security, wrote pass and apply. After a few seconds in WIFI networks in range my network have green sign and when I click on it it says "connected". I shudown Raspi, pull out ethernet cable and run raspi. Raspi didn't connect to network, scanned network IP range and there is no RuneAudio. After that I have tried to create a new connecion, this time with static adress (which I prefer). Didn't connect. Tried to connect to other SSID. Nothing. Put a new SD card with new image, same thing. Today I put a 0.3 image and everything works as usual. WIFI card is USB TP Link, don't know what chip is inside.
Here's suppout:
Low cost audio for everyday use: Raspberry Pi 2 -> USB sound card ->preamp+Low-pass Filter NE5532 ->2x TDA7492 amp -> 2 fullrange speakers + 1 bass speaker.
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Joined: 08 Jan 2016, 22:30
Location: Croatia

Re: 0.4 version - my wifi card don't connect

Postby acousticmood » 12 Apr 2016, 04:56

Tag - same problem
Posts: 1
Joined: 05 Dec 2014, 20:23

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