I'm looking to see if this can be solved on this *hardware*
rasp pi 1st generation
rune v0.3-beta (29/10/2014)
issues: no sound and ui locks up
- sound: seems to play mp3 files but no sound heard on firefox and ie. I've enabled l25 but when I go to the md6 (sorry not hooked up at this point so I may be using the wrong name from the menu) 1 out of 7 times do I see the audio section there to match the audio selection. to me it seems I need to enable the module, bounce the pi then confirm I have the audio output selected. on the occasions I do see it, I've rarely been able to restart and keep it there. that brings me to my other issue
ui: once I start playing with my settings, I get the spinning/connecting that can go on 15 mins. I have to keep an ssh session open to bounce the device otherwise it stops responding. I may get to work on the configs for about 10 mins before I have to bounce it. I'm assuming that's not normal
my overall goal is to use my older pi to play the mp3s. this seems like this could hit the mark but I don't think the issues I keep running into should be happening