2x RPi and android app

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2x RPi and android app

Postby SimonS » 26 May 2018, 17:15

I need two independed sysem. How oubout controll this two system? Can app handle this?
And about android app. I have problem to use it. At first it was work perfect. Then sometime work sometime didn't find auneaudio device (just black screen) When I reinstall app start to work. Last time not work at all. From browser work fine, but app not find device. I use all the time sony Z5 compact phone.

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Location: Kobarid, Slovenia

Re: 2x RPi and android app

Postby englishtim » 26 May 2018, 17:57

Hi Simon,

Yes, the Android App can handle 2 separate Runeaudio systems on the same network - I've used it for a while with precisely this scenario. Once you've launched the app, swipe right from the left screen edge to bring up a list of the Runeaudio devices that it finds, and tap the one you want to control.

I've found the Android App to be generally quite reliable, and most of the time it seems to find the Runeaudio devices without difficulty. The only problems I've had have been a result of issues with my home network (it's a bit of a mess, with a mixture of wired ethernet, multiple wifi access-points and a Homeplug segment) - if an access-point or the Homeplug segment has gone into sleep mode then the App can't find one or other of the Runeaudio devices, which I guess is fair enough. I've never had to re-install the app.

I hope this helps,

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Re: 2x RPi and android app

Postby SimonS » 27 May 2018, 08:04

Thanks !
Posts: 17
Joined: 07 Jun 2016, 17:20
Location: Kobarid, Slovenia

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