A few random bugs

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A few random bugs

Postby barndoor101 » 03 May 2015, 21:36

Been using Rune for about a month and have a few issues, not sure if they are known or not but here goes:

- When navigating through the library sometimes pressing 'back' takes you to the genres list, or doesn't work at all. I found this happens more often if you have selected a song to play then navigate back.
- Rebuilding the library doesn't update tags if they have changed. To update I have to move the files back to my machine, rebuild the library without them present, change the tags, then move them back across to the NAS and rebuild.

To be honest, I love Rune. It's much better and more stable than Volumio, just these few annoyances detract slightly!
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Re: A few random bugs

Postby hondagx35 » 03 May 2015, 22:05

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Re: A few random bugs

Postby barndoor101 » 06 May 2015, 09:58

Browser is latest Chrome, OS is Win7. Rune is running on a Pi2 so its 0.3beta.

I'll try and take a video of it happening, but from what I can gather, it happens when I select a song. The song starts playing, but when I click Back, it either goes back to the initial library view, or somehow goes to the genres.

Cheers for the rescanning tip - I am using MP3tagger which preserves the modified date, so I have turned that feature off.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2015, 00:29

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