by dynobot » 21 Aug 2019, 22:05
My real concern is not the product. The current dev's are great and the old dev's had a great idea.
This is not about the product, this is about "ACCESS" to the product.
If/when this site closes, it will probably happen like most site closures....with a 404 web site not found. From there we, those who know of github, may be able to find janui's work and download any updates or continued work. But the project from that point will just take another step towards oblivion.
Rune, the name and logo, it seems has been copy righted. But its still open source, nothing stopping janui from opening a new web site and calling this product RuneX or Jan-audio or anything ie like MoOde did for example.
Bottom line, this site has been abandoned by its owners, the product named Rune is also owned by the same team. Instead of waiting for the inevitable to happen why not be proactive and make a move towards the living ie a fresh new web site and product 'name' vs. sitting back and ignoring some imminent death.
As far as Rasbian vs. Arch. Before you push Rasbian, ask yourself if you really really like the sound of Rune vs Volumio? Then take the time and install two Rpi's with Rasbian+MPD on one and Arch+MPD on the your ears when they tell you Arch+MPD sounds better. Why, who knows