Access PI Outside Network - Without Portforwarding?

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Access PI Outside Network - Without Portforwarding?

Postby irishwill2008 » 03 Apr 2017, 10:28

This is a question and problem i been trying to accomplish in a good easy fashion.

I decided to get the pi open so i can access the pi at work and schedule music or queue stuff up so when i come home its playing a radio station i like etc.

Currently i am using NOIP to connect into the pi but to make this fully operational you need to do Port Forwarding. This is a pain if you tend to move the pi from network to network, you need to login.. Open the ports and repeat once you move network again.

Is there any solution, any guide even OR Perhaps just ideas on how to get this to work without Portforwarding?

I heard that using a VPN you could potentially achieve my goal but i have no clue on the setup required.

Below is a link to a thread i was reading but i tried to install but no luck, doesnt seem compatible for runeaudios setup.

I need to be able to FTP, SSH & connect via web to access the web GUI (Of course)
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Re: Access PI Outside Network - Without Portforwarding?

Postby technosf » 12 Apr 2017, 19:34

I run a OpenVPN server on my ArchLinux router. The VPN drops its clients (i.e. my phone with OpenVPN installed) into an internal network segment off of interface tun0 . I have packet forwarding on all internal networks.

When I connect to the VPN, I can access the RuneAudio Server interface.

VPN's are challenging to configure, I won't go into it here. But it can be done with a little persistence. It's useful to have VPN access anyways...
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