Access Point setup

Raspberry Pi related support

Access Point setup

Postby bnilsson » 31 Mar 2019, 14:52


First, I want to say that I have absolutely no problem, everything works fine and I am perfectly happy with my RuneAudio device. I just want to explore the Rune technology to use it and understand it to the most extent.

I am trying to find out how to set up and use the Access Point, but sadly enough it is not covered in the Docs. One half page to cover the network setting is a bit short in my opinion.

I have a home router connected to WAN via fiber. I use both cabled and wireless network, my router ip is
My RuneAudio RP3 device is connected to the cabled network, and the RuneAudioAP is enabled by default.
The default ip of the RuneAudioAP is, and this means that if enabled, two parallel, independent wireless networks will exist.
They will have no intercommunication. I can tell my Pad to connect to RuneAudioAP, then I will have a connection to the RuneUI but no internet.
To have wireless access to RuneUI and still use internet I will have to disable the AP and use the standard WiFi, which works fine.
Normally, my Pad talks to RuneUI via my wireless router and I use cabling to improve bandwidth to my media server.

What is the purpose of the AP?
How is it used? When is it good to have?
In my network config, can it give my some extra features if AP is enabled?
Can it be set up to work together with my home router?

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Joined: 06 Jun 2016, 11:22

Re: Access Point setup

Postby hondagx35 » 31 Mar 2019, 23:48

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