add batch of webradios

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

add batch of webradios

Postby AW_Raudio » 22 Sep 2014, 08:51

Pls add a possibility to allow batch adding of multiple webradios.



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Re: add batch of webradios

Postby ACX » 22 Sep 2014, 12:57

What do you suggest as best method to to a batch import? Upload to the UI a single .pls file containing multiple webradios and parse it?
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Re: add batch of webradios

Postby kajica » 04 Nov 2014, 21:10

This would be a good option,

also adding the way to export your current web radios as .pls would be helpful for sharing.
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Re: add batch of webradios

Postby cmh714 » 20 Dec 2014, 22:18

I would like to revisit this, since my webradios list has grown to a point where its a PITA reloading them.
Firstly, I am no longer a coder but can still hack stuff together and understand whats going on in the various scripts. It seems like it would be easy enough to build a script to import webradios into Rune. I mean the code thats there now is reusable enough I think to do whats needed.

I think 2 use cases may exist: one for importing "new" stations, and one for importing previous Rune stations.
For the new stations a simple file with Title and URL, comma separated or something simple like that. For "old" stations, grab each .pls file, grab the Title1 and File1 value. Then populate redis either using the code already written or with a redis-cli hset command.

The code can be found in /var/www/command/rune_SY_wrk (near the bottom), which in turn uses the addRadio function located in /srv/http/apps/libs/runeaudio.php

any help appreciated, as I am trying to bash this together :) probably best to just stay with php....
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