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Adding Node.js as a Systemd service : Bug report • RuneAudio Forum

Adding Node.js as a Systemd service

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Adding Node.js as a Systemd service

Postby technosf » 12 Aug 2017, 04:17


I'm running Node.js on RuneOS, being very careful which packages get installed, updated. It works just fine.

I've even added a systemd service , but wierdly, although I can start it (systemctl start node) and everything is fine, if I enable it (systemctl enable node) kills the Rune library functions: The files are there, redis has the keys, but rune does not display content.

So - there's the issue above - but in the short term, dooes anyone have an idea on alternative ways to start node on booot with out using a seperate node systemd service?

Posts: 8
Joined: 12 Apr 2017, 18:17

[Solved] Re: Adding Node.js as a Systemd service

Postby technosf » 24 Aug 2017, 20:38

Upgrading ICU killed it. Didn't stop to find the negative interaction.

Taking the libs from the ICU .pgk and dropping them in place, renaming them left Rune working and Node happy.
Posts: 8
Joined: 12 Apr 2017, 18:17

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