Thanks for your feedback.
Besides this addition (which I have significantly streamlined since posting this thread) I have continued to fix bugs and add features to 0.3. This is primarily because I want the features now, not some unknown time in the future.
One weak area of 0.3 is in the MPD DB search. The simple search only searches in the file name, and the Artist and Genre search on the main page are both broken (although I fixed mine!).
To that end I added an advanced search dialog which permits 3 search terms to be searched in any tag (or all), such as genre, title, etc. and the results combined together, with duplicates removed. The dialog is activated by an icon right next to the magnifying glass icon for the simple search.
This gives me a way to say, for example, "Find all songs of genre Pop plus all songs by The Beatles plus all from the album Revolver" (a contrived example I know!). But with this flexibility and the ability to then add the result to the queue, it's a useful combination.
If you'd like to see screen shots let me know. I can also give you the patched files if you want, although my guess is that the 2.0 code is so different as to not be much value.