adding to the queue

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adding to the queue

Postby funkwagen » 31 Jan 2015, 21:06

rune newbie here..

running on a RPi B

I went through my library, added about 10~ different songs by clicking the icon for each particular song, in the right column, and selecting "Add".

When I went to the Queue tab, it shows about 10,000,000 (~) songs that I did NOT add to the queue, let along even look at when going through my library.

yes, I cleared the queue before adding the files mentioned above.
I figured I knew what I was doing when previous attempts at adding 2-3 songs, only those songs were added.
So adding a large quantity of files to my queue doesn't seem correct. I don't even know how I could have done it by mistake, when i never even looked in any of those folders, or even got that far down the library list.
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Re: adding to the queue

Postby ACX » 01 Feb 2015, 01:31

Hi funkwagen,
let's start from the standard question: are you sure you added songs and not folders? :D
If they were song, were you viewing the normal "browse by file" list or were you under other modes? (by album or by artist, for example)
Could you reproduce the problemand give us more details?
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Re: adding to the queue

Postby funkwagen » 07 Feb 2015, 19:57

I have not duplicated this exact problem, but I have had it add music I did not tell it to select, just not on the massive scale.

I've had this thing hang up browsing my library and not respond via the browser (unable to control volume or pause playback)
and on my Samsung Galaxy S4, most times in Chrome, the volume control doesn't show when using the web interface.

I think overall, it's a workload issue with the app on my RPi (B). (Rune is the only thing this particular RPi does)
It might be compounded by my library files being located on another RPi (B+) (?), which serves as LMS and server for my library files.
Maybe a switch to a B2 for that purpose?

oh well, this whole thing is not as refined or versatile as Squeezebox, but I think I will manage.
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Re: adding to the queue

Postby funkwagen » 09 Apr 2015, 19:10

had it happen again today.... but differently

Important: I start each session by clearing the queue.
I don't have any saved "playlists'.

everything was great, I was humming along in my library adding individual songs
I went to look, everything was normal.
I added some more, went back and there were previous playlists (history) added to the list I was building.
I wasn't in the folders for the albums/songs that were added, these were from an old queue I built.
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Re: adding to the queue

Postby funkwagen » 19 Apr 2015, 01:23

happening again..

clear the queue and then add new songs.... a whole crapload of old songs previously played show up in the queue.
I cant be the only one experiencing this bs.
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Re: adding to the queue

Postby hondagx35 » 19 Apr 2015, 11:06

Hi funkwagen,

did you already try to your system via git?

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Re: adding to the queue

Postby funkwagen » 22 Apr 2015, 16:06

thanks for your time Frank

I just went through the update process..
hopefully that will fix things.

tnx agn
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Re: adding to the queue

Postby funkwagen » 15 May 2015, 23:19

had this happen again.

how it occurred this time:

1. pulled up the rune interface on my computer
2. added songs to an empty queue
3. playback appeared to be taking place....but no audio.
4. ssh'd in, RPi responded, seemed normal.
5. sent reboot command
6. RPi never came back on-line (even though it was on)
7. manually reset power.
8. unit powered up normally.
9. viewed queue, it was full of hundreds of previously listed songs
10. cleared queue and added new ones..
11. playback resumed w/o incident.

Rune works great, until it doesn't.
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Re: adding to the queue

Postby ACX » 18 May 2015, 00:18

The problem you are reporting is pretty weird.
Have you checked the integrity of your SD card? If you have another (and newer) one lying around, please do an attempt with that and report if you notice a different behaviour.
Where are you playing the music from? Network or local storage?
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Re: adding to the queue

Postby funkwagen » 05 Jul 2015, 18:55

I had a total SD card failure and rebuilt everything.

The queue still adds crap on it's own. and not just stuff I have listened to, as I just rebuilt the whole thing, so there isn't that much I've played, and certainly none of the content that is now in the queue.

My music library is on a RPi 2 running max2play

That sever and the LMS devices on the network have zero issues and the other RPi devices, using the same brand memory have yet to give me problems like RA does, and they have an exponentially greater uptime. :-/
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