I'm a newer user of RuneAudio (french, so sorry for my bad english).
1- Is it possible to setup an Ad hoc wifi network between runeaudio and an android tablet or is there any project about that in the next release? I use an Edimax EW-7811Un wifi usb adaptator. I want to use Raspberry player in my car.
About security issues, is it possible :
2 - to disable SSH with an hdmi monitor and an usb keyboard connected to the raspberry (it's possible on debian with raspi-config)
3 - to change password of the runeaudio system accounts ("root" and so on ...)
4 - to encrypt de wifi key (on debian/volumio, you can read it in a text config file: Is it the same with Archlinux /RuneAudio?)
Anyway, RuneAudio software seems to be a very good job.
Happy new year.