Advise to a newbie (again, I'm sure)

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Re: Advise to a newbie (again, I'm sure)

Postby Piriformis » 27 Jan 2017, 10:45

Hi again, Frank. What a beautiful page you refered me to. Have not heard about it ever. Well, done accordingly and below is the debug data:

Happy trails ... :D

And thanks

Stefan Andersson
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Re: Advise to a newbie (again, I'm sure)

Postby hondagx35 » 27 Jan 2017, 11:32

sftp2.png (23.88 KiB) Viewed 4048 times
sftp1.jpg (226.11 KiB) Viewed 4048 times
sftp.jpg (54.29 KiB) Viewed 4048 times
(2.12 KiB) Downloaded 582 times
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Re: Advise to a newbie (again, I'm sure)

Postby Discovery » 27 Jan 2017, 20:54

Hi Stefan,

Tidal can be streamed to a Raspberry Pi by using BubbleUPnP on a phone or tablet, and using the RPi as the renderer. I enjoy my Tidal Hi-Fi subscription this way.

If you have a Network Attached Server (NAS), Tidal sounds even better if you run BubbleUPnP Server on the NAS and create an Open Home Renderer that is controlled by the same phone or tablet as the first solution. Please don't ask my why it sounds better - the configuration was recommended to me and I can only agree.

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Re: Advise to a newbie (again, I'm sure)

Postby Piriformis » 07 Feb 2017, 09:25

Hi, Trevor. Thank you so much for the tip. Will look into this. But first:

Hi again, Frank

Sorry to bother you again. I've got som free time today to continue my experiment with RPi3 and RuneAudio. I have a problem, I'm not able to solve. The WinSCP is installed ok. So is the PuTTY, btw. But when accessing the RPi3 from the program, it will not allow me to enter. I've used the settings from your screen dump. Off course I have replaced the IP-address to my RPi3, but use same portnumber 22. Wrong? Further, I cannot find anywhere if I ever configured a user name or a password. I do not think so. Been trying without and with your "root", so far no success. I have been locking into the advanced options in WinSCP, but this is nothing I'm familier to, so I do not dare to change anything there.

Would you consider to give a push in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Advise to a newbie (again, I'm sure)

Postby Piriformis » 07 Feb 2017, 09:47

Frank, I'm embarassed. Forget my inquiry above. It the same as if everything else fails, read the manual ... :oops:
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Re: Advise to a newbie (again, I'm sure)

Postby Piriformis » 07 Feb 2017, 10:22

Frank, you're the Man. Works like a charm and resamples. Better sound. Now even softer but still high treble with fine grains. Its is lovely to listen to Metal from this device, not to mention jazz with piano and strings and right now I feel it superseeds the pc with JRiver I used to play from.

You did it! :D

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Re: Advise to a newbie (again, I'm sure)

Postby Piriformis » 07 Feb 2017, 15:47

I have the other question about Spotify. The tip and trick you (Frank) suggested, thanks for those, did however not start the playback, I'n afraid.

Now the player becomes what I percieve to be instable. Every wheel possible revolves showing something's going on, but there's no audio out. That is changed from before up-sample re-programming. Before, the player could play and the clock was ticking, but without sound. Now the stability is affected.

Is there anything I can do to fix this?
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Re: Advise to a newbie (again, I'm sure)

Postby hondagx35 » 07 Feb 2017, 22:09

Hi Stefan,

sorry, but I have no idea what your exact problem / question is.

- MPD works?
- Spotify doesn't work?
- unstable in Spotify mode?
- can you switch back to Spotify?

Please try to switch the output from DAC to analog while playing spotify and switch back to DAC.

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Re: Advise to a newbie (again, I'm sure)

Postby Piriformis » 20 Feb 2017, 18:39

Hi, Frank

It doesn't work to switch output device on the fly, either. But since I have recognized the unwillingness from TiDAL to join forces with e.g. JRiver and a lot of other issues from the two large streaming services, I back down and will keep the computer as well. Not ideal, but anyhow. Now I can at least enjoy my large album collection through this wonderful device and your software, running very well from my Android-Pad thanks to your app.

The 24-96 sampling runs as expected and now there are additional tweaks left to try besides your software. I must find a good transformer power supply instead of the switched I bought to get up and running. Then I want to try some other stuff. Will continue to read in the other sections here, to find good tips & tricks.

Thank you /Stefan :geek:
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Re: Advise to a newbie (again, I'm sure)

Postby RonyBelt » 11 Jul 2017, 20:34

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