up for this exciting area of playback and have som questions. Tried to search for each subject, which I'm sure has been up for debate, but couldn't find answers I understood.
I will buy a Raspberry Pi3 version B, the housing in stainless steel available at Kjell & Co and a suitable power supply, which probably will be replaced soon, I guess. Questions as below:
1) Is this above unit possible to configure in RuneUI for bit correct audio output from one of the USB-ports in 24-96? Will perhaps RuneOS perhaps autodetect a Bell Canto 24-96 USB-to-S/PDIF (coax) converter, its max performance and set it up automatically in RuneOS device handling management (plug'n'play)? If not, pls. link to proper guide how to do manually. If not doable manually, I must find something else.
2) Is Spotify Premium possible to integrate in RuneOS and will then be displayed in RuneUI? If so, pls. link me this info how to connect.
3) I'm also holding a Tidal HiFi account, which finally would be really nice to remotely control from my tablet. Tidal themselves apparently cannot see the advantages with this feature as in the Spotify app. If you know the info how to connect, pls. show me a link.
4) Can RuneOS and RuneUI open and display for example SVT Play? Can the software play video files at all? Stream from internet?
If all of this 4 questions I have would be resolved by you and your joint expertice, nothin will hold me back buying tomorrow. I even cleared it with my wife, that is the bonus when budget discussions is below EURO 100. It is not that easy + EURO 1000, I'm afraid.

Perhaps I go all in even if some issues cannot be resolved ...
Thank you in advance, now my hopes are in your skilled hands.