Airplay refuses to connect

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Airplay refuses to connect

Postby rasti » 03 Jun 2015, 17:50

A couple of days ago I airplay was set up and working.

I have a raspi pi with hifiberry DAC (w/o hardware volume control).

Today I tried again. I can see the rune airplay connection name
in my "airplay tablet" but when I want to connect I get an error
"unable to connect to speaker. Try refreshing your speakers and....."

When Rune UI is operating in mode MPD it displays that an
incoming stream is detected and switches to airplay mode
but continues to play the mp3's. I have to switch Rune UI manually
back to MPD mode to be able to control the UI.

The other thing is that when Airplay was working a couple of day ago,
volume know was not working. I suppose this is normal ?

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