Alarm function

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Alarm function

Postby aj78 » 12 Nov 2014, 23:56

I'm loving 0.3beta, but would also love to see alarm functionality (either one-off or repeating, or both). I know how to ssh in and set up an at or cron job to make mpd play at a particular time, but it would be nice if there was an alarm functionality built into the RuneUI.
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Re: Alarm function

Postby matt » 13 Nov 2014, 04:35

C'mon man, the project aim is to develop an audiophile music player not an alarm clock. Surely you have a phone or something.
One of the great things about Runeaudio is its simplicity and lack of extraneous features.
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Re: Alarm function

Postby aj78 » 13 Nov 2014, 16:02

*shrug* I don't mean an intrusive alarm feature on the main playback page! But just like the /dev page, there could be a separate /alarm page maybe with a link to it from the settings dropdown. If you don't want to use it you'd never need to know it existed. (let's face it, atd or crond are hardly resource intensive!) But it would be a genuinely useful feature, and would require negligible resources. Far less than the cover art downloader, for example. It's a low priority, fair enough, but I do think it would merit inclusion at some point.

After all, if you have a RuneAudio box in your bedroom, why would you want your morning alarm call to come through a crappy radio alarm clock when it could come through RuneAudio in high quality?
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Re: Alarm function

Postby ACX » 13 Nov 2014, 16:07

We could integrate it, for example as a section in the Settings page. But it would have very low priority compared to many other things we have in mind, so if you want to see that integrated in the UI you could contribute to it putting at least the backend code. Would you do that?
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Re: Alarm function

Postby aj78 » 16 Nov 2014, 00:38

I'll try to write the whole thing if you like, but it'll take a while as I'll need to read through the rest of the Rune code and get my head around the project (and PHP!) But I guess that's the nature of open source - scratch your own itch!
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Re: Alarm function

Postby ACX » 16 Nov 2014, 12:12

Well I can point you in the right direction of course :) Take a look at the code and ask me if you are lost in it.
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