Am I missing something with SEARCH?

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Am I missing something with SEARCH?

Postby tromba » 06 Jul 2021, 04:18

I'm running Rune on a Raspberry Pi, but this isn't specific to that but to how SEARCH functions. Everything is working fine and playing music on the Pi. This is a great product!!

My problem is that my Music Library (on an attached USB Portable Hard Drive) is fairly large (97,604 items) so SEARCH is a very important feature. It appears that SEARCH is a very literal search. By that I mean I was searching for a piece by Martini called Toccata. I typed Martini Toccata in the search box and got a box telling me there were no matches. I ran this same search on Jriver Media Center on my computer and there were 11 results. BUT the actual title was "Martini - Toccata" so that if the space, hyphen, space weren't there, no results were shown. Now could I search for "Martini - Toccata"? Yes if I knew that was the exact format. As these tags have come about over the last 30 or more years, it's not easy to remember the format. On a search for one there piece I found this (partial) result on Jriver

Hovhaness - Prayer
Hovhaness Prayer
Hovhaness: Prayer
Hovhaness - The Prayer

This woudln't have helped as I would have to have just searched for Hovhaness and run through the results

So I did a search on just Martini and all of them were there, as well as all the other pieces composed by Martini as well as those composed by Sammartini - 63 results. I used the Martini Toccata because I knew there weren't that many of them.

So it appears the Rune Audio search is very literal and it must be an exact match, whereas on JRiver the search results were those that contained both Martini AND Toccata, no matter what else was also in the title.

That's not so bad for Martini, but limiting a search to just BACH got 10,266 results which is unmanageable.

So my question - Is there any way to make the SEARCH function less literal and more like I need (as with JRiver)?
Posts: 1
Joined: 06 Jul 2021, 04:01

Re: Am I missing something with SEARCH?

Postby jhyuier » 06 Sep 2022, 02:16

Yep! I missing something with SEARCH
Posts: 1
Joined: 06 Sep 2022, 02:14

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