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Amazon Fire Stick remote for control : Raspberry Pi • RuneAudio Forum

Amazon Fire Stick remote for control

Raspberry Pi related support

Amazon Fire Stick remote for control

Postby TJ1113 » 28 Jan 2022, 17:48

I have a Pi model B that I had kicking around. I have wifi and bluetooth dongles plugged in. Wifi works fine, I believe the Pi sees the other dongle but is missing things required for this to work.

I also have 2 older Fire Stick remotes that work (I have confirmed by pairing them with my Windows PC)

Is there any way to get a bluetooth remote to work with Rune? I have done some research and see Bluez could be an option but I believe that the OS is missing some things to make it work.

I have also done a search on the forum here but didn't see anything specifically call out fire stick remotes (or bluetooth remotes either).
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