Amazon music

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Amazon music

Postby Jedster » 13 Apr 2019, 08:34

How do i play my amazon music through rune audio?
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Re: Amazon music

Postby LeighP » 04 May 2019, 19:37

Having searched both the forum and Google, it seems there is no solution at present and not on the development road-map either at present.

Add it to the 'Feature Request' section for future consideration.

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Re: Amazon music

Postby bnilsson » 17 Sep 2019, 17:03

Amazon is apparenty releasing ”HD Music” streaming. So I second the Amazon streaming feature request.
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Re: Amazon music

Postby janui » 18 Sep 2019, 08:46

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Re: Amazon music

Postby munro75875 » 19 Dec 2019, 11:55

Actually it is as good as free, and that also without Ads. People already have Amazon prime subscription, and that is not for Amazon music. So when amazon announced a new service named Amazon Prime Music as additional benefit to Amazon Prime customer. For me it is free. Because I never wanted it, and I am a Prime member. I was using Wynk Music at that time and that also paid subscription to remove ads.
I never expected amazon to provide me a free service for Music Streaming. So when I got it it is a free service for me, because I do not have to pay anything for this. So why should I use another paid service or ad supported service, when I am getting the better features without paying anything extra.
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