I totally agree with your vision about OpenSource/Hobby electronics game. It's just that your project is exciting the geek and the audiophile in me. I really wish it to grow on Kickstarter and to have that board in hands one day.
Maybe that's the point, it could be felt as too complicated for audiophiles looking for easy setup solutions. I think that a good part of them are already afraid of simple things like the hifiberry

. That was my point when comparing it to a lighter solution.
In fact, I think that many audiophiles are just looking for a simple, efficient, bit perfect source they could insert into an existing system (with or without an existing DAC) and so start with dematerialized medias.
Your project is really different and innovative on the market I totally agree. I've never heard about something like that.
Integrating a digital amp without DA conversion on the way (I mean before the amp) is great for a true digital solution.
But the the most important point is that the DSP will also allow very interesting possibilities (despite that a DSP will make run the more conservatives audiophiles) and as you say the possibility of using different shields.
Do you already have an idea of the number of supporters that will be required to achieve the kickstarter campaign ?
I also did have a look at the TAS5548 PWM data sheet and happy that you think about clocking it at maximum rate.
To conclude i'm afraid that i'm not good enough to help in development, not even to propose it. But I would be happy if i can help you in any other way.