An Rune integrated preamp, DAC, power amp (for Kickstarter)

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Re: An Rune integrated preamp, DAC, power amp (for Kickstart

Postby brentsinger » 22 Jun 2014, 14:15

Phillipe, to answer your question - the TAS5548 PWM processor allows 192kHz processing. In the FPGA anything goes though. I'm yet to decide on a master oscillator or where it should be.
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Re: An Rune integrated preamp, DAC, power amp (for Kickstart

Postby PhM » 22 Jun 2014, 17:22


I totally agree with your vision about OpenSource/Hobby electronics game. It's just that your project is exciting the geek and the audiophile in me. I really wish it to grow on Kickstarter and to have that board in hands one day.

Maybe that's the point, it could be felt as too complicated for audiophiles looking for easy setup solutions. I think that a good part of them are already afraid of simple things like the hifiberry :). That was my point when comparing it to a lighter solution.

In fact, I think that many audiophiles are just looking for a simple, efficient, bit perfect source they could insert into an existing system (with or without an existing DAC) and so start with dematerialized medias.

Your project is really different and innovative on the market I totally agree. I've never heard about something like that.
Integrating a digital amp without DA conversion on the way (I mean before the amp) is great for a true digital solution.
But the the most important point is that the DSP will also allow very interesting possibilities (despite that a DSP will make run the more conservatives audiophiles) and as you say the possibility of using different shields.

Do you already have an idea of the number of supporters that will be required to achieve the kickstarter campaign ?

I also did have a look at the TAS5548 PWM data sheet and happy that you think about clocking it at maximum rate.

To conclude i'm afraid that i'm not good enough to help in development, not even to propose it. But I would be happy if i can help you in any other way.
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Re: An Rune integrated preamp, DAC, power amp (for Kickstart

Postby cmh714 » 22 Jun 2014, 23:49

I certainly like where youre going with this. For me, instead of all this Wolfson, HifiBerry, etc, how about some good outputs for going to a "real" external DAC...not sure what they use for inputs but think S/PDIF, toslink, coaxial, or the like.

I would like to get something simple setup for my Dad thats easy (did I say simple and easy in the same sentence :) ) and he would be using something at the higher end.
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Re: An Rune integrated preamp, DAC, power amp (for Kickstart

Postby cmh714 » 23 Jun 2014, 04:23

Heres an example from MSB Technology for an example....they have options

To the right of the output/analog input section are three slots for the various digital input options. The five possible choices for the three spots are: Optical and coax S/PDIF inputs (on one input block), XLR balanced AES/EBU input, MSB network input (it looks like an Ethernet jack, so is colored bright green), Pro I2S input, and a 32-bit/384kHz PCM/DSD-compatible USB input.
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Re: An Rune integrated preamp, DAC, power amp (for Kickstart

Postby Midnight » 24 Jun 2014, 13:50

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Re: An Rune integrated preamp, DAC, power amp (for Kickstart

Postby Bjarne » 24 Jun 2014, 19:14


what about Bluetooth tranceiver? I got a bluetooth headset and would like to connect it with my RaspPi :D

regards Bjarne
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Re: An Rune integrated preamp, DAC, power amp (for Kickstart

Postby brentsinger » 25 Jun 2014, 04:54

What's SCNR?

I think that Raspberry Pi is a great example of why going faster isn't always important. More powerful is less important than more supported. There are just a lot of projects around Pi and also a lot of energy in the community.

I'll make sure that the Kraken is compatible with BBB and other platforms if I can, but it'll be more optimized for Pi mechanically. Isn't Banana Pi same form fit and function? Also don't most of the Pi issues go away once you use the I2S port?

Another thing to clarify is that 'Kraken Shield' will still be a 'Rune' appliance, and a very simple out of the box/setup experience. It'll be a matter of taking it out of the box, plugging in your Pi (or other SBC) and installing the mainline Rune OS distribution. Setup wifi, set I2S as output and connect up to eight speakers. If you need some active cross overs you can program registers on the Kraken with Biquad values. This will be a cheap appliance to just crank out some audio over the network; the saving in cross over components will be enough to justify the board, never mind the network connectivity and the amplifier! There won't be a DAC in the system, it's pure digital right through to the cross overs.

Then Pex Board can be added as a 'man in the middle' to add things like hardcore DSP, extra control surfaces like touch, LCD, analog inputs, motor controls, midi integration, etc, etc. Pex will also allow up to three kraken boards, so 24 speakers from one system smaller than a sheet of A4 paper... I hope... I'll do some testing before the kickstarter and post results.
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Re: An Rune integrated preamp, DAC, power amp (for Kickstart

Postby PhM » 25 Jun 2014, 16:32

I will keep an eye open here and support it in Kickstarter. I will also try to make some noise around me ;)

Good luck !
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Re: An Rune integrated preamp, DAC, power amp (for Kickstart

Postby brentsinger » 27 Jun 2014, 04:38

Much appreciated! I'll post some screen shots and results once I'm testing.
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Re: An Rune integrated preamp, DAC, power amp (for Kickstart

Postby cmh714 » 30 Jun 2014, 00:27

you may want to take a look here:
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