by Tominthevan » 16 Jul 2016, 06:25
I think I'm having this problem. This has happened twice recently. Here is the sequence of events.
1. Rune is running normally and I can control it from 3 sources, my desktop, my laptop (both windows running Chrome) and also from my phone (Nexus 5x running Android 6.0.1).
2. at some point I go to play some music and find Rune is unresponsive (from any of the three control devices). It appears to be running but will not respond. At that point it is not playing music and I don't recall wheher that is because I had stopped it or it had stopped for some other reason.
3. I get Rune going again (usually this involves removing power and restoring it.
4. at that point I can control Rune from my Desktop and Laptop web browsers, but the phone will not connect. I should point out the web browsers use the Rune ip address and not the zero conf (or whatever it is that finds Rune on the network).
5. my phone will not conect to Rune. I get a black screen with a little green android robot icon partially revealed at the top of the screen.
6. I tried removing the Android Webview update as suggested above. That produces a different result (the IP address of the Rune player is displayed in blue text), but still no control.
7 I reinstalled the Webview update and uninstalled and reinstalled the Rune android app. Now it works.
I hope there's a clue there that might help solving this annoyance. At least I have a workaround for now.
rune audio 0.4, Raspberry Pi 2, HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro, Lepai LP-2020+