Hi Guys
Over the last few weeks I've been playing around with RuneOS extensively, and I've had hard lockups when using the remote control.
My hardware is;
Raspberry Pi3, bluetooth disabled, power management turned off, using wireless onboard for streaming music and control
Suptronics x400 DAC HAT, fed via 12v 5amp converting to stabilized 5v 3amp to Pi via onboard power converters.
Phone is Samsung Galaxy S5 with Rune App. Not using stock android OS (omegamod). Shouldn't make a difference.
When playing music, I can have uptimes of days when only connecting to the pi via ssh or www. The pi is connected to my network via wireless as I dont have cables handy, plus it only cosumes 1/3rd of the wireless bandwidth when streaming flac from my smb share.
Long story short, I can play music, or have the pi idling for days, but the moment i start playing with it using the android remote, it crashes the system. Hard lockup, I cant ssh to it, nothing. I know the pi is getting a sufficient power supply, and it doesnt time out via ssh or www via my PC, so I wonder why this android app keeps making it lock up? I thought it was connected peripherals so I disconnected my DAB+ dongle, my HDD and the USB hub, but I'm almost always guaranteed to have a hardware lockup when using the android app. What gives?
Happy to turn on extensive logging to troubleshoot if someone can guide me through it