Any Android APP to play RUNE AUDIO via Bluetooth ?

Raspberry Pi related support

Any Android APP to play RUNE AUDIO via Bluetooth ?

Postby jack » 01 Nov 2015, 11:02


I was wondering why not developing an App via Bluetooth to play RUNE Audio.
This will save everyone a lot of work and cost, especially when you can not reach any WiFi or net router.

Imagine you are on the road, you have a unwanted cell cellphone and you can hide the Pi in the car, there we go!

Frank, I will buy the App!


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Re: Any Android APP to play RUNE AUDIO via Bluetooth ?

Postby keithknow » 21 Jan 2016, 00:10

I was working on a RaspberryPi/Rune Audio project and was thinking along the same lines. Then I realized I could get a nano router for $15.00 and create an isolated network bypassing any need for bluetooth. Just a thought.
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