Apple Music or Spotify?

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Apple Music or Spotify?

Postby maryyy » 27 Feb 2018, 03:59

Apple Musci or Spotify? I don't want to choose both of them, have any recommendations here?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Apple Music or Spotify?

Postby irishwill2008 » 27 Feb 2018, 12:10

Spotify is quite good but in my opinion i think that the suggestions mech built into spotify is brutal! Crap being honest! If i listen to chill, i then sometimes get rock recommended etc. Where apple i heard is suppose to be really good. I never tried, i still use spotify cause it has a huge library and is good apart from the suggestions mech.

Spotify has so much data but they dont use all of it to their advantage? If i was them i would add so many features matching BPMS, Artists you listen too etc. <-- As far as i can see now.. They dont have such systems in place. Perhaps apple does?

Hope it helps :D
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