Arch Linux - Install Ubiquiti Unifi Controller?

Raspberry Pi related support

Arch Linux - Install Ubiquiti Unifi Controller?

Postby investinwaffles » 05 Jul 2016, 23:30

Hi Folks
I am trying to install the Ubiquiti Unifi Controller software on my Rune/Arch raspberry pi.

For some reason, I am simply not able to get it to install properly running a "pacman -Syu unifi" command. Even tried it as just pacman -Sy with no real errors during the install.

I honestly can't figure out what is wrong, because it's not even creating the Unifi directory in /var/log like it is supposed to

It looks like Mongodb installs properly, it also looks like the Unifi package installs properly, as well as JRE7, but I am admittedly not great with Arch linux so I am not sure what is wrong.

Any ideas from you guys? Is this due to the legacy version of Arch that Rune is utilizing and possibly the Unifi controller will not run on this version of Arc?

I really like RuneAudio but I do want to use my RPI 3 for other things which might be a dealbreaker....
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