Arch-Linux ISO w/kernel 4.15....whos gonna try first?!?!

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Arch-Linux ISO w/kernel 4.15....whos gonna try first?!?!

Postby cmh714 » 02 Mar 2018, 17:14

Posts: 470
Joined: 04 May 2014, 03:06

Re: Arch-Linux ISO w/kernel 4.15....whos gonna try first?!?!

Postby janui » 02 Mar 2018, 22:17

HI cmh714,
I built an arm6 (B+/Zero) version 4.14.22-1 earlier this week. Its not quite 4.15, but I was surprised to see the version jump from 4.9.79-1. Rune is working fine, but I am having problems building packages on this version. I have a feeling that it is not quite stable enough at the moment. I have also noticed is that there is a lot of activity within the Arch ARM community publishing new versions of packages. Hopefully during the next couple of weeks, it will become (more) stable.
I have not yet seen any significant functional improvements that would make it a ‘must have’ update for Rune on an arm architecture processor (like the Raspberry Pi). The big things in the new version will fix Meltdown and Spectre security vulnerabilities for the Intel and AMD processors, but these are not relevant for the Pi. The other security improvements could be useful for Rune. Making the Linux part of the SD card read-only would make my day, but I have not seen this feature documented.
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Re: Arch-Linux ISO w/kernel 4.15....whos gonna try first?!?!

Postby cmh714 » 05 Mar 2018, 22:14

thanks for the reply and info janui!
Posts: 470
Joined: 04 May 2014, 03:06

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