Attention website admins

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Attention website admins

Postby ceejayemm » 01 Nov 2020, 18:40

As a long time user of RuneAudio on Raspberry PI can we urgently get the RuneAudio web site updated to reflect the current state of the RPI developments for RA ? The current site reflects very badly on the current state, particularly in regard to RPi developments of RuneAudio. We have a fantastic resource here which it would be all the better if the information on this site were up to date. RuneAudio is a fantastic product and I am fed up of seeing posts on this forum which query whether or not RuneAudio is still being developed. This isn't helped by the Downloads pages referring to v0.3 Beta as the latest download (for RPi) version as well as outdated 'How to' and 'Quick Start' documents.

Stirling work has been done, initially by Janui and more latterly by Rern, to push the development of the RPi version of RuneAudio forward and it is about time these efforts where more widely visible and thus better acknowledged. The latest version of RA can in fact be found at:


and features up to date kernel patches, easy to use installation and update processes as well as much needed features. It currently doesn't even warrant a 'sticky' to lift it to the top of the sub-forum.

Please can some effort be put into the web site to make it attractive to new users, to provide up to date information and to demonstrate that RA is in fact alive and kicking and still being developed. I don't know much about web site administration but I am willing to help where I can, even if only to proof read any new content.

Thanks to all concerned and hopefully this can be the start of an initiative to provide the proper information to existing and new users.

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Re: Attention website admins

Postby rastus » 01 Nov 2020, 22:46

I agree with Chris, two years since janui's release, with rern now single handedly holding RA above water (keeping it alive). But, as rern's version is a fork of the original, I doubt the admins will link it to the main site. Sadly.


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Re: Attention website admins

Postby Ears of Tin » 02 Nov 2020, 15:02

Excuse my ignorance but I had no idea that Rern was not an official developer. That +Re is a labor of love makes it all the more impressive. It's clear to me that the team should give Rern contractor status and give Re+ the recognition it deserves. Either that or turn off the PayPal button.
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Re: Attention website admins

Postby s.k. » 02 Nov 2020, 20:46

The truth is that the latest version from the original creators is the RuneAudio 0.3-beta version from 29 Oct 2014 !

Since then RuneAudio is kept alive and evolved due to the efforts of members.

First was Frank (aka by hondagx35 ) with the RuneAudio 0.4-beta on 27 Feb 2017.
Then was Janui & Gearhead with the RuneAudio 0.5-beta on 15 Sep 2018

From that point and beyond all the versions (from the initial add-ons on Janui version till the latest e6) are made by rern.
He did not only keep the app up-to-date, but he rewrote the all UI adding a bunch of features.
I am not familiar with coding, but I strongly believe that very little of the original code (if not all) remain the same.

All this years he never claim the fame that he deserve and nobody gave him – not officially – any credit.
This seems hard & unfair but unfortunately the only thing that I - as member -can do is to tell him in public : THANK YOU rern !
Thank you for all of your hard work !

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Re: Attention website admins

Postby cycl157 » 03 Nov 2020, 15:47

As a nearly 5 years long user of "RuneAudio" it's been interesting to know that I never actually used the "official" version and have followed as others have stepped up and continued the project to the current day. The active amount of development that has been done currently is nothing short of amazing. My pi running the latest version is a proud part of my in-home audio system. As a matter of fact, I just recently ordered a touch screen to enhance the experience for guests who are in my home and interact with the near never-ending streams of music that I have playing. Being a software engineer myself and having both contributed to and run my own open-source projects, i understand what may be concerns for handing over the reins to someone else, but if the original authors are no longer interested/willing/able to be involved in a project it would seem better to let that project live on through the hands of someone else rather than let it die on the vine -- i know this from experience.

It's time to hand the reins over to rern to carry on the name....he has been a good custodian to date and has the interest and willingness to carry it on. Donating time and energy for open source project is often a noble act as a labor of love. Honor yourself, reward the community and him by trusting him to carry the project on as he has.

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Re: Attention website admins

Postby rastus » 08 Nov 2020, 01:19

If you check hondagx35's (Frank) profile here, you will see:

by hondagx35
Last post: 01 Jul 2020, 07:24
Last visited: Today, 01:43

hondagx35 (Frank) visits this forum almost every day, deletes troll posts and leaves. In other words, hondagx35 may have already read this post and decided to ignore it (and us). And, as has happened many times in the past with subjects of this nature, this thread may very well be deleted sooner or later.

Two things I know they don't like here: to be asked about the history behind RuneAudio and Volumio, AND being asked about the next version of RuneAudio.

It is my understanding that the proposed next version of RuneAudio (from the original developers) is to be called "V2", as stated here:

On the release of RuneAudio 0.4-beta by hondagx35 (27 Feb 2017, 23:00) we were told: "....a new image (Raspberry Pi2/3) is available for testing."

Almost four years for testing (3 years and 8 months)?!?!?

Well... regards,

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Re: Attention website admins

Postby hondagx35 » 10 Nov 2020, 22:20

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