Audiophonics DAC Sabre ES9023 i2s 24bit/192

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Audiophonics DAC Sabre ES9023 i2s 24bit/192

Postby rayb » 03 May 2015, 16:36

I've recently been trying this board on a Raspberry Pi B with v0.3-beta and the following setup:
kernel 3.12.26-1 ;
HiFiBerry DAC and RuneAudio sound signature ;
HiFiBerry DAC- I2S audio output.
Everything worked fine for WAV and MP3 files but I got severe stuttering with FLAC files. I also tried Volumio and Archphile with even worse results, only the MP3's were OK on Volumio and none of them on the Archphile. All files were ripped from CDs.

I then managed to borrow a Raspberry Pi B+ for a day and using the same SD cards with the same setup everything seemed to work fine !
I've listened to two complete albums as WAV and FLAC files and so far not a single problem.
I bought the DAC off ebay in the UK for £8.99 including shipping from China (seller tianlo_go). The board took less than two weeks to arrive and is genuine. There are still some for sale.

I don't understand the problems with the B but the B+ so far is fine.
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Joined: 03 May 2015, 11:19

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