If this may help someone in debugging its startup/shutdown scripts, here is the led sequences for a fully functional Sabre V3+power button setup on a RPI 3, using the scripts described in audiophonics-i-es9023-sabre-dac-v3-tcxo-raspberry-pi-2-0-a-t3277.html#p12548 (but Frank scripts given in the present thread should work as well, if not better)
Hardware start (power button)
- the white led of the power button blinks slowly (~1 s) + the red led on the RPI board turns on steadily,
- the blue led the Sabre board turns on in a steady manner,
- the white led on the power button becomes steady.
Hardware stop (power button pressed for more than 0.2 s and less than 4 s)
- the white led of the power button starts blinking slowly (~1 s) + the red led of the Sabre board turns on steadily (in addition to the steady blue led being on since the startup),
- the blue & red leds on the sabre board turn off,
- the white led on the power button and red led on the RPI board turn off.
Software stop (Rune GUI "Power off")
- the white led of the power button starts blinking fast (~0.5 s),
- the blue led on the Sabre board of turns off,
- the white led on the power button and red led on the RPI board turn off.
Software reset (Rune GUI "Reboot")
- the white led of the power button starts blinking very fast (~0.25 s),
- the blue led on the Sabre board turns off,
- the red led on the RPI board remains on,
- the blue light on the Sabre board turns on,
- the white led of the power button becomes steady.
Note that in every sequence the green led of the RPI board is turning on and off "randomly" once the red led of the RPI board is on, denoting read/write on the SD card.