Auto amplifier on/off

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Auto amplifier on/off

Postby dwijtsma » 15 Feb 2015, 14:27

Runeaudio is so great because it makes you lazy. You don't have to turn on your tuner, you don't have fiddle around with CDs and LPs. Yet I still have to turn on my amplifier by hand! :shock:

Is it possible to set a GPIO pin high when music is turned on and make it low when the music is off for a certain time? The time before it is set low again could be configured from the 'settings' menu for example.

Using some prototyping board I can easily create a circuit to control the power if my amplifier, based on MPD playing music or not. I have to add a switch to overrule this for when I like to watch TV for instance.

If there are a lot of people interested we could make a dedicated PCB for it.
Audio gear: RuneAudio on Raspberry Pi 2 + Dr. DAC nano, Marantz pm66se, Avalon Avatar
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Joined: 03 Nov 2014, 20:16

Re: Auto amplifier on/off

Postby ACX » 15 Feb 2015, 15:35

What you suggest is feasible in a modular way, with no need to modify the standard implementation of UI or OS. You should just monitor the status of the playback with an external process/script and take actions accordingly to its response.
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