the problem is sitting in rune_SY_wrk (RuneOs: 0.3-beta, RuneUI: 1.3-beta, Hw-env: RaspberryPi 2).
after the line 286 the main loop starts but the local storage (usb) ist still not properly mounted.
a 'mpc play' throws an 'error no such file here as your playlist-file'.
so a:
sysCmdAsync('/var/www/command/refresh_nics ; /var/www/command/debug_collector');
while (!$mount){
$mount=implode('',glob('/mnt/MPD/USB/<your volume name comes here>/*'));
`/usr/bin/mpc play`;
runelog('WORKER MAIN LOOP ---');
does the trick for now. but it's still rather very dirty.
A nice 'start playing on boot' option in the UI would be much better, of course.