Autoplay missing

Raspberry Pi related support

Autoplay missing

Postby iggyds89 » 11 Jun 2020, 15:57

Hi everybody,

I'm new to runeaudio, i installed version 0.3 today on a raspberry b (old version)
I noticed i don't have the option for autoplay in the MPD settings.
Is this because of the raspberry or OS version ?
I tried to install 0.5 on my raspberry but i keep getting the message:

RuneAudio is starting-up
The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable
Please try again later

I really need the autoplay function.
This raspberry will be built in to another installation and should turn on and start playing from usb stick or SD card when turned on.
I tried to put some music on the internal sd card aswell but i couldn't find it in the UI like the songs on the usb stick.
Could someone help me out ? i have been trying and searching all day now without result.
Thanks in advance !

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Joined: 11 Jun 2020, 14:31

Re: Autoplay missing

Postby ksilein » 01 Jul 2020, 02:53

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Joined: 01 Jul 2020, 02:50

Re: Autoplay missing

Postby Bert » 27 Aug 2020, 22:17

You better let the Runeplayer play day and night, and just turn off the installation's amp or volume. This device hardly consumes energy, and it not worth the hassle to start it up each morning. When you save all your music files in 1 playlist and choose repeat, you have an endless amount of music, or choose a radio station, if that is allowed.
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Location: Arnhem, Netherlands

Re: Autoplay missing

Postby pebbleorange » 25 May 2023, 04:01

You should leave the Runeplayer on all day and just turn down the volume or turn off the amplifier. It's hardly worth the trouble of turning this on every morning, as it has a very low energy consumption rate. Put all your songs on one playlist, set it to repeat, and you'll be listening to music indefinitely (or, if your device supports it, a radio station)
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Joined: 25 May 2023, 03:58

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