Balance, Loudness, Equalizer

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Balance, Loudness, Equalizer

Postby tinue » 22 Mar 2015, 18:07

I think most people use their Runeaudio connected to an amplifier. So they usually have balance etc. available.

My Runeaudio-powered Raspberry Pi however uses a Hifiberry Amp, connected directly to speakers. Unfortunately, I can't place the speakers perfectly for my sitting position, so I would need to shift the volume a bit to the left speaker.

I have read that there are plans to eventually include an equalizer.

Are there also plans for a simple balance regulator?

Thanks! Martin

P.S. I use a Bowers & Wilkins Z2 in my home office, and over this weekend made the first serious tests with RuneAudio / Raspberry / Hifiberry Digi. The Z2 is supposed to be good, and did cost a fair amount of money. But RuneAudio just blows it away. Not only does it offer almost the same set of features (including AirPlay, excluding direct playback from a USB attached iPhone), but it sounds a lot better, and it is less expensive. Thanks for the great work!
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Re: Balance, Loudness, Equalizer

Postby ACX » 23 Mar 2015, 01:15

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Re: Balance, Loudness, Equalizer

Postby tinue » 23 Mar 2015, 18:50

Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-23 um 18.47.46.png
Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-23 um 18.47.46.png (12.04 KiB) Viewed 4964 times
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Re: Balance, Loudness, Equalizer

Postby BorGreiner » 25 Mar 2015, 08:49

That is something I'd like to see too, my amplifier just doesn't have remote and at least balance would be nice to have and maybe not hard to implement. :)
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Re: Balance, Loudness, Equalizer

Postby whoozwah » 23 Aug 2015, 17:48

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Re: Balance, Loudness, Equalizer

Postby Mat » 27 Aug 2015, 09:17

Hi, I use RPI with a HifiBerry digi+ card. So I use optical output to my active speakers (bit perfect).
I thought that there is no option for alsamixer when using digi+ (not DAC) card.

Since I miss bass when playing at low volumes I would like to have some kind of "loudness" button.

Is there any (at least theoretical) option to affect sound before signal goes to HiFiBerry? Is there already some kind of option on runeaudio for low volume listening?
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